4 Interesting Facts About Red-bellied Piranha | Amazon Rain Forest

4 Interesting Facts About Red-bellied Piranha | Amazon Rain Forest

Amazon Rainforest, the biggest tropical rainforest on the earth is otherwise called “Lungs of the planet”. It is home to over a million different species of animals, mammals, amphibians, fish, birds, insects and spiders.


The Amazon River basin covers an area of 2.5 million sq. miles which is about 30% of the South American continent.

The river is populated by the highest diversity of fish in the world, the most important source of protein for the natives of Amazon. There are around 5,000 different fish species.

The Red-bellied Piranha tops the list of Amazon River fishes. They are highly aggressive and voracious predators. They are omnivorous by nature; they feed on insects, worms, crustaceans and fish.

They have powerful jaws and razor-like triangular teeth that can shred flesh from bones.

They feed in large schools and can converge on animals like anacondas, manatees, caymans, birds etc. but their attacks on humans are very rare.

The Red-bellied Piranha is not considered to be a threatened species by the IUCN, and therefore, there are no conservation strategies in place to target this species.


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