Categories: Health

Brain Gym Exercises to Improve Performance

Brain Gym Exercises to Improve Performance

Just as your body needs to be exercised to keep it healthy and strong, the brain too needs to work out to help it function better. Brain Gym refers to body movements designed to help the two hemispheres of the brain to work in synchronization. Researchers have found that Brain Gym is not just for children with learning difficulties; it can help everyone. These exercises wm help children improve their overall performance When our brains are balanced; the whole body responds and helps in natural healing mechanisms. restoring health and harmony. Brain Gym can do everything from speeding up your reading, improving eye sight and communication skills, increasing your creativity, boosting self-esteem, helping you make better decisions and even give you a boost when you’re facing rejection or disappointment.


The following are examples of key Brain Gym exercises. It is Important to know that water is essential for the development of the nerve network during learning and so it is very important to drink adequate water throughout the day.

Use these brain gym exercises to see a difference.


Standing up, “marching” in place, alternately touching each hand to the opposite knee.

Continue during the course of four to eight complete, relaxed breaths.

This exercise is wonderful for improving reading, listening, writing and memory.

It coordinates the whole brain.


Extend one arm in front of you, with the thumb pointing towards the ceiling. In the air, smoothly and slowly, trace the shape of a large figure 8 on its side.

As you draw the 8, focus your eyes on ‘ your thumb, keeping your head upright, facing forward and moving slightly Start tracing your 8 by beginning at the eye level. Move your arm up and over to the left, around and back to centre, then to the right.

Do three full 83 with one hand, then three with the other and finally three with both hands clasped together.

This integrates visual fields, improving balance and coordination. Many people report better vision after this exercise.


With one hand on the top of each ear, gently “unroll” the curved parts of the outer edges of. both ears at the same time. Continue all the way to the bottom of the ears. Repeat three or more times.

This helps you tune out distracting noises, it increases listenlng ability, short-term memory and abstract thinking skills.

These and many other exercises have been created by Paul and Gail E Dennison founders of Educational Kinesiology who believe that, “Movement is the door to learning”.

Now, let’s give ourselves some cere ra gymnastics

Brain Gym Exercises to Improve Performance is published on 2017-03-06T17:44:11+05:30 and last modified: 2020-09-01T23:59:59+05:30 by Mohamed Faisal
Mohamed Faisal

I'm a blogger, it is my passion to view and write things differently.

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