Category: Crime Stories

10 True Crime Stories in History that...

10 True Crime Stories in History that will Freeze you to the Core   1. Angela Hammond2. Annie Borjesson3. The Hinterkaifeck Murders4. Dorothy Scott5. Brandon Swanson6. The Benington Triangle Disapearances7. The Setagaya Family8. Brandon Lawson9. Katarzyna Zowada (The Skin Case)10. Cassie Jo Stoddart Check out the story of Liver... Read More →

Hello Kitty Murder Case

Hello Kitty Murder Case The most disturbing Hello Kitty Murder Case came to light when a  13 year old girl name “Ah Fong” walked into the Tsim She Tsui police station in Hong Kong and told police officers there an unbelievable story. Ah Fong was Haunted Fong told the... Read More →

A Girl was locked up for 25 years by...

A Girl was locked up for 25 years by her Own Mother Love and marriage was very different during 1800’s, they are totally different from the present. Love and dating was like a business arrangement, people have to get there parent permission before stepping into a relationship. There was... Read More →

Transcript of Shirley Lynette Ledford...

Transcript of Shirley Lynette Ledford Audio Recording   The below content is just part of the transcript of the tape these two “men” recorded in the van with Shirley Lynette Ledford (it does not include extensive periods where all one hears are Shirley’s heartbreaking screams, weeping, gasps of pain/agony... Read More →

Murder of Shirley Lynette Ledford...

Shirley Lynette Ledford On October 31, 1979, 16-year-old Lynette was on her way home around 10.30 pm from a Halloween party in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles when she encountered two real-life monsters — Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris, also known as the “Tool Box Killers”.  ... Read More →

Pedro Alonso Lopez – Monster of...

Pedro Alonso Lopez – Monster of the Andes He was born October 8, 1948 in Tolima, Colombia, a time when the country was in political confusion and uncertainty. Known for: 300+ girls were raped and killed by Colombian serial killer Pedro Alonso López across Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. The... Read More →