History of Sahyujyah Shrinivas

History of Sahyujyah Shrinivas

Sahyujyah Shrinivas is the founder and CEO of liberent.com is also a very youngest female entrepreneur. She is also a former Operations Manager at Tata Steel in Jamshedpur. The 25 years old Metallurgical engineer Sahyujyah first got an idea of renting luxurious womens wear, this idea came to her from a hollywood film.

The world appeared to disclose to her that having an awesome thought wasn’t sufficient, as she was a women and should secure numerous loose ends. “My disappointment towards the imperatives in the society, which I had dependably felt, amplified while at work. And I had little flexibility to try and be beneficial for the organization.

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About LibeRent

At the moment, LibeRent is the only fashion rental startup that delivers in Bengaluru within three hours, to Chennai and Hyderabad in 12 hours, and to Mumbai and Pune in 24 hours, all through a vigorous and productive coordinations organize that fastest delivery.

The organization additionally offers a home trial as a option, where girls and womens can pick up to three outfits to check the fitting and look at home, and book one to be conveyed before the occasion. The site likewise has a propelled bust size filters, instead of the customary S, M, L variations. What’s more, once they book an outfit, they are made a request to present their bust, midsection, and hip measurement. LibeRent then custom fits the outfits before sending them over.

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Investment & Global Recognition

In January 2016, LibeRent raised an angel round from two investors, Ravi Mantha and Sangita Kathiwada.

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She started looking for a co-founder to share the load, then, which was an immensely difficult process, she feels. Finally, around February 2016, she rubbed shoulders with Abhishek More, a BITS 2012 graduate, who was working with CA technologies at the time, on Angel List. He was immediately interested at the enormity of the challenge, and adds, as Sahyujya nudges him, that he “obviously also believed in Sahyujyah’s passion and her vision.”

“The potential the idea has is huge and in a span of 10 years, fashion rental will become mainstream,” she concludes.

The End

Not sure why this decision was taken. Let’s wish her luck for her future operations.

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